Coptic Orthodox

On this day, the great St. Macarius, the son of Basilidis the Chancellor, was martyred. When the messengers reviewed the order of Emperor Diocletian, which dictates the worship of idols, with Macarius, he did not heed them. When the Emperor knew that, he sent Macarius to the governor of Alexandria. He bid farewell to his mother, and asked her to care for the poor and the needy, then he went with the envoy. The Lord Christ appeared to him in a vision, encouraged him, and told him what would happen to him. When he arrived to the city of Alexandria, he stood before Armanius the governor, who deceitfully treated him well because he knew that he was the son of Basilidis the Chancellor.

Read more: St. Macarius, the Son of Basilidis

The First Martyr

By Andrew Gueruis

Today, I will take you on a journey in the life of one of my favorite saints. This saint was a young man who was filled with the Holy Spirit, faith, and power. His life is very unique and it shows us how we should be as Christians, and how our lives will be filled with joy and peace when we know God. By now you are probably saying to yourselves, “but isn’t this all saints,” well in generalization about saints, yes, however this saint is different. His story is written, even in the Bible and documented in the Book of Acts and the Synaxarium of the Church. Hopefully you know who this saint is, if not, allow me to tell you. The story of St. Stephen takes place when the number of the disciples was multiplying and they chose him to serve. “Then the twelve summoned a multitude of the disciples and told them ‘It is not desirable that we should leave the word of God and serve tables. Therefore, brethren, seek out from among you seven men of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business; but we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word’” (Acts 6:2-4)

Read more: Saint Stephen

Abba Macarius Teahes Abba Evagrius to Call upon the Name of Christ 


The Blessed Feast of Abba Macarius the Great - Paremhot 27, April 5

A true friend is there for you when you need him. A true friend will sacrifice for you without wanting anything back. Out of his great love for you, he will want what is best for you and will want you to love him back as much as you can and will constantly think, “How can I show this person I love him and want him to love me too?” Such is the love God has for us: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16). He loves us to the point of offering Himself as a sacrifice for our sins that we may turn back to Him and abide in Him and love Him back with all our hearts. 

In the journey of Great Lent, we must always, our brothers and sisters, give thanks to the Lord for all blessings He has bestowed upon us,

Fasting and Repentance

Author: H. H. Pope Shenouda Ill.

Those who fast and receive no benefit from it must have fasted in a wrong way; in this case, what is to blame is not fasting itself, but the method followed. Fasting is a period of concentrated spiritual activity, a period of loving God and adhering to Him.

As a result of this love, one who fasts is lifted above the level of the body and its concerns. He soars above worldly matters, to get a taste of the heavenly. It is a period of sacred feelings towards God, and ultimately, it harbours the feeling that one is close to, and familiar with, Him. It is a period of being spiritually content with the self and with God, and of standing against the Devil. Days of fasting are specifically for

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The Holy Week Schedule:

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Sat Feb 15 @ 7:45AM - 10:30AM
Feast of presentation of the Lord Jesus Christ in the temple Divine Liturgy Service
Sat Feb 15 @ 4:00PM - 05:30PM
Evening Prayers, Tasbeha and Asheya
Sat Feb 15 @ 5:30PM - 07:00PM
Sunday School Service for PreK to 8th Grade
Sat Feb 15 @ 5:30PM - 07:00PM
High School Bible Study & Follow Me (Servants prep class)
Sat Feb 15 @ 7:00PM - 09:00PM
Midnight Praises
Sun Feb 16 @ 5:30AM - 08:15AM
Divine Liturgy Service (Big Church)
Sun Feb 16 @ 7:30AM - 11:00AM
Divine Liturgy Service (Small church)
Sun Feb 16 @ 8:15AM - 11:00AM
Divine Liturgy Service (Big church)
Sun Feb 16 @11:00AM - 12:00PM
Sunday School Pre-K - 5th grade
Tue Feb 18 @ 7:15AM - 10:00AM
Divine Liturgy Service

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